Country Underdog OfficialJan 7, 2021Featured PostsSingle Spotlight: Jacob Melton 'Pass It Around' Jacob Melton is a 34 year-old male singer/songwriter from Short Mountain, TN . 'Pass It Around' was released back on December 17th! He...
Country Underdog OfficialDec 31, 2020NewsNEW Parker McCollum SingleParker McCollum just dropped his first single since his 'Hollywood Gold' EP that featured the tracks Young Man's Blues, Like A Cowboy,...
Reed McDonald (Founder)Dec 30, 2020Featured PostsAlbum Spotlight: JJ Roberson "Cowboy's Prayer"Interview with JJ Roberson Tell me more about yourself JJ I got my first guitar when I was 17 and I had to beg my dad for it but ever...