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The Consistent Effect One Man Has on Red Dirt Country

Red Rooster Reviews: Who remembers their first time hearing the Turnpike Troubadours? I can’t. It was almost like they have always been there. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t a fan. When I thought “eh they are ok”. They just have always been that band on top. No matter what show you are at, like the “Sweet Caroline” or the “Bohemian Rhapsody” of the Texas country scene, turnpike troubadours can play over a loudspeaker and get the whole crowd involved. 

So why is Red Rooster Reviews bringing up a band with so much success? They don’t need the recognition or the promotion. This is not the point. You see, in the last few years, I have been lucky enough to attend more and more concerts. I’ve seen so many great acts that have left me on a lasting high whenever I recollect them. I still remember the feeling I had when watching a video of lead man Evan Felker stumble on a stage and be so belligerent that he was unable to play on tune, much less remember the words of his beautiful melodies. My stomach sank. My mood changed. It hurt to see. Just like times before I kept thinking to myself, “they will be back shortly”. As time goes on, I have yet to forget this wonderful talent.

With hope feeling like it is getting further and further out of reach, I’m beginning to realize that I am not the only one feeling this way. The lasting impact of these legends are living on through every artist still performing. I remember Shane Smith and the Saints recollecting a story about their bus catching fire and them losing all their merch as well as their transportation. Who was there for them? Turnpike Troubadours. Parker McCollum wanted to take over for Evan in his leap of absence simply to keep the show going for them. (He regularly plays covers of their songs and absolutely crushes them). Flatland Cavalry talked about them and covers their songs. William Clark Green discusses a story with them at one of his concerts. Hell even in a line at Steamboat Musicfest we were able to get a crowd of strangers to sing Turnpike songs. (These are just my first-hand experiences.)

I say all this to bring to light the impact that one band has brought to the industry. We can’t explain or even calculate how much this band has done for us. I hope this somehow reaches them to fortify what they already know, THEY ARE ONE OF THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME! And they are nowhere near the end of their rope. We hope to see you guys get over this hill and get things rolling again. You have the ability to touch so many. 

If any of you have a story about Turnpike, feel free to comment or DM us. We would love to hear them. 

Red Rooster Reviews

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